Greenlight Your Career Bootcamp (continued)
Are you someone in the entertainment business, or someone looking to get into the entertainment business who:
- * is overwhelmed by the expansive network that is the entertainment industry? Is unsure how to make new contacts and keep in touch with them?
- * is exhausted and frustrated from unsuccessful attempts to move up in your given field?
- * has dreamed of transitioning from one aspect of the industry to another, such as an editor looking to get into directing?
- * is tired of worrying about how you’re going to make ends meet every month in such an unstable industry?
- * has ever wished you had a mentor?
- * has ever gone in for an interview and felt lost or unprepared?
- * has ever felt stuck or stagnant in your career?
- * is an artist and does not want to spend three years in business school to develop the skills you need to build your business. Please let me help you! I am an entertainment industry coach who has helped over 1000 people overcome these obstacles and create successful careers for themselves.
Many people say it is luck that creates success stories in this industry. I disagree. And honestly, who wants to leave their career up to luck? I think we create our own opportunities. And these self-created opportunities might place us in “lucky” situations. The fate of your career is in your hands. And I’m about to give you the key you need to unlock the chains that are holding you back.
And that key is business savvy!
As artists, we focus on our craft. We take classes. We attend seminars and workshops. We spend great amounts of money on materials, tools, and equipment, such as headshots, lenses, computer programs, and maybe even the new RED camera. We do all of this in the hopes that it will improve our craft, that we might grow as artists, and hopefully generate some more income.
But you can waste years waiting for someone to notice you as an artist! You can, and should, keep working on your craft, but you need to learn business skills to get your art out in the world!
You are an amazing artist! Your work needs to be seen! Let me show you how to get your work out there! Let me give you the tools you need to keep working and growing as an artist!
You may be wondering why I want to share this information? Why I am giving up these secrets?
Because I was like you! I struggled for years!
I worked several day jobs at once, trying to make ends meet, while struggling to get my acting career off the ground. And I was exhausted!
I was an artist with no idea how to get my art out there. And I did not want to spend years and thousands of dollars in business school learning how to market myself and build my own business.
But I knew I had to learn about business if I wanted to survive as an artist. So, I taught myself. And it took me years. I want to provide artists with an easy system to learn the business aspect of this industry. What took me years to learn will now only take you months!
My “Greenlight You Career Bootcamp” series will provide you with a step-by-step guide to build your career. You are the CEO of your very own business, and I will show you how to be an amazing one!
The Greenlight Your Career Bootcamp Series will:
- 1. give you the tools you need to successfully build and manage your business.
- 2. help you get your foot in the door.
- 3. show you how to create stability in an unstable industry.
- 4. give you the skills you need for successful interviewing.
- 5. show you how to get industry mentors.
- 6. help you develop a business plan to move forward in you career.
I want to tell you more about the most affordable way to invest in your career in the entertainment industry, but first take a look at some stories from my students:
Prior to attending your Greenlight Your Career Bootcamp, I thought I was working hard on my career, but you showed me sooo many new ways to do it with flare that made me enjoy the business of promoting myself as a photographer. I was overwhelmed and scared; however, after working with Jessica Sitomer, I am re-motivated and re-inspired.”
– Jessica Brooks, still photographer
Before I attended your Greenlight Your Career Bootcamp, I was resistant to make phone calls or to further my career in any way. My major obstacle to success was my belief that I had nothing to offer the people at a higher level than me. At the Greenlight Your Career Bootcamp, I learned what my special angle was in interviews and in my marketing. As a result, I am committed to finding some leading industry folks as mentors.”
– Elena Zaretsky, actress/writer
Prior to studying with Jessica Sitomer, I was an actress with over 10 years of training but no business direction. I have a lovely NYU diploma hanging on my wall but it means nothing if no one knows about it or me. My biggest obstacle was my lack of knowledge on how to pursue the business. I was throwing everything at the wall, hoping something would eventually stick. I had no focus or clear plan of action. At the Greenlight Your Career Bootcamp, I learned how to confidently face this business. I did not even know where to begin and now I have a clear blueprint for how I am going to structure and build my career. I am finally ready to face this business with my training to back me up!”
– Tristin Daley, actress/writer
You will find that running your business is a craft unto itself, and you will learn to apply your unique artistic approach to the marketing of your services so that you enjoy the process and find it fulfilling and fun!
Here are just a few of the benefits you will enjoy from the Greenlight Your Career Bootcamp series:
- – Learn what distinguishes successful people from those who are just barely eking out a living.
- – Develop a new vision of your career that is so dynamic and enjoyable that you will be inspired to make it a reality with the provided tools.
- – Build tremendous confidence in yourself by knowing what to say anytime you meet anyone in the industry.
- – A simple 12-Month Business Plan with a time-management illustration for monthly, weekly, and daily actions.
- – How to stabilize your career and income in an unstable industry.
- – Learn how to manage your career as a business and enjoy the corresponding financial rewards.
- – A Professional Business Package to present in addition to your reel and resume, and the strategies to use it properly.
- – Acquire established mentors who have agreed to show you the works.
- – How to really impress everyone you meet in the industry so that they remember you and want to work with you.
This may sound overwhelming and intense. And I’m sure many of you think that this will definitely not be any fun. But trust me! Once you develop the skills, you will find that being a successful business person is enjoyable.