What Can Career Coaching Do for You?
The economy stinks! The news is bad! Times are tough & money is tight!
Sound like the conversations you’ve been having lately? The conversations I’ve been having lately sound like this, "Turn off the news!" It’s their job to attract you with scary stories. I’m not saying people aren’t in trouble out there, but watching the news isn’t going to give you a solution.
That’s where Career Coaching comes in. It’s a solution. You have a problem… you want more work, better work, or different work. You want the solution, but you don’t have the money to pay for it. And so the vicious cycle continues.
When are you going to take the risk, invest in your career, and get out of the cycle? You can’t lose a game if you don’t play but you also can’t win. Stop standing on the sidelines and get help!
You have questions- I have answers. If you knew for sure that investing your money in career coaching would lead to work, would you pay for it? If the answer is yes, invest in yourself! You are 100% responsible for your career… the CEO of your company. Are you going to allow your company to fail by buying into all of the negativity? OR are you going to take advantage of this fertile time for developing new relationships, new tools, and new strategies? How you ask? I can tell you, if you invest in yourself…
I answer an Entertainment Industry Coach question, daily at www.AndActionBook.blogspot.com