I heard a great quote of a quote at the SOC awards and wanted to share it:
Michael Scott, SOC, related key points in his remarks both on stage and on screen in his video clip segment, including advice given to him years ago:
“A prop man told me that there are four stages in my career:
1. ‘Who is Michael Scott?’
2. ‘Get me Michael Scott!’
3. ‘Get me someone exactly like Michael Scott, but less expensive.’
4. ‘Who is Michael Scott?’”
Scott said, “I think that being nice is the best way of being successful in this business” and added, “When working with high powered people, when they say to do something, just do it. I would say I couldn’t do that because of such and such, and then it becomes some sort of a battle of wills. I finally figured it out: don’t try to explain it; when they say pan left, just pan left and it works.”
check out www.SOC.org to learn more about this great organization for Camera Operators and philanthropy.
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